Artur Grottger biography, artwork, store, paintings. Polish painter educated in Austria. Great master of romantism, after his death truely forgotten.
Drawings, sketches, oil, canvas, nero's torches the candles of christianity, Cracow, Poland, Polish, reproductions, posters, books, sketches, art for sale, buy sell, museums, albums photography.
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-- "Conciliation" -- "Countryside School" -- "Crossing the Border"
-- "Escaping Circassian" -- "Evening Pray of a Farmer" -- "Farewell of an Insurrectionist"
-- "Guest in the Workshop" -- "Nocturne" -- "Pairs"
-- "Portrait of a Horse Named Beffa" -- "Portrait of Rosalie Matilde Glaser" -- "Reconnaissance"
-- "Study of a Boy"
Artur Grottger
Artur Grottger biografia, reprodukcje obrazów, sztuka, monografie, malarz, albumy, szkice olejne.
-- "Gość w pracowni" -- "Modlitwa wieczorna rolnika" -- "Nokturn"
-- "Parki" -- "Pojednanie" -- "Portret klaczy Beffy"
-- "Portret Rosalie Matilde Glaser" -- "Pożegnanie powstańca" -- "Przejście przez granicę"
-- "Rekonesans" -- "Studium chlopca" -- "Szkółka wiejska"
-- "Uciekający Czerkies"
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see also: Daniel Chodowiecki/ Jean Pierre Norblin/ Bruno Schulz/ Henryk Siemiradzki/
Tamara de Lempicka/ Polish Painting/
Polish Art/ Polish-Painting/
rzeźbiarze - Polish sculptors/
rytownicy - Polish engravers/
malarze polscy/
Polish painters/
Tamara de Łempicka/
Bruno Schulz/
Jan Piotr Norblin/
Daniel Schultz/